New and Updated Data (2025)

Updated by PolicyMap






Updated Data

Local Median Income as a share of Area Median Income (Low Mod) has been updated with the current ACS and HUD data.

This data shows local Median Household Income (MHI) from the American Community Survey (ACS) (2019-2023) as a percentage of either the HUD-defined Area Median Income (AMI) for metro areas (2023) or the non-metro state AMI (2023) for areas outside Census-defined metro regions. The map categorizes income levels using ACS MHI data and compares it to HUD AMI benchmarks for metro and non-metro areas.

Income & Spending > Low and Moderate Income (Low Mod)


Updated Data

The USDOT Deteriorating Bridges (layer and point) data is updated to 2024. 

The point data shows the locations of bridges in poor condition, as well as descriptive information like what road the bridge ‘carries,’ bridge length, average daily traffic, year built, and more. The layer data shows a percentage of all bridges in poor condition.

Economy > Infrastructure > Transportation



The CDFI Fund's New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Eligibility has been updated to include a new eligibility criterion: "High Migration Rural County". 

Census tracts in High Migration Rural Counties with a median family income at or below 85 percent of the applicable area median family income are now NMTC Eligible. A High Migration Rural County is any county which, during the 20-year period ending with the year in which the most recent census was conducted, has a net out-migration of inhabitants from the county of at least 10 percent of the population of the county at the beginning of such period.

Federal Guidelines > CDFI Fund New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Eligibility


Updated Data

Area Median Income data from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has been updated to 2024.

Income > Area Median Income


Updated Data

Disaster declaration data from FEMA has been updated to January 2025. This includes the Los Angeles wildfires.

Quality of Life > Environment and Disaster Risk > FEMA Disaster Declarations


Updated Data

The Diversity Index and Theil Index data is now updated to the latest ACS time frames (2019-2023, 2014-2018, 2009-2013).

Demographics > Race, Ethnicity, Diversity > Diversity & Segregation



The Census American Community Survey (ACS) data is now updated to the latest time frames (2019-2023, 2014-2018, 2009-2013). It is available to all users. Data can be found under many menus, including: Demographics, Incomes & Spending, Housing, Health, Quality of Life, Economy, Education, Federal Guidelines.

Demographics, Incomes & Spending, Housing, Health, Quality of Life, Economy, Education, Federal Guidelines


Updated Data

The FFIEC HMDA (Home Mortgage and Disclosure Act) data has been updated to 2023. However, this update also includes a small refresh of our historic data to ensure that this dataset will be easier to maintain going forward. We now only show data starting in 2007 since that is the earliest date the FFIEC has data available online. 

The other key difference is that previous variables that related to prime and high cost/subprime mortgages were divided into two variables divided by time: prior to the 3rd quarter in 2009 and afterward. This reflected a major definition date during 2009Q3. Prior to this date high cost was defined as >= 3 times the APOR and thereafter as 1.5 times the APOR. These variables are now combined to allow for easier use of the data so a user will only see one variable instead of two for each of these categories.

Caution should be made when comparing these variables after the definition change in 2009. Users will see that percent change variables will be missing for any variables that include this definition and span this definition change.

Lending > Mortgage Loans


Updated Data

HIV diagnoses and prevalence data from the CDC has been updated to 2022.

Health > Health Conditions > Infectious Disease


Updated Data

CDFI Fund Persistent Poverty Counties data has been updated to the latest 2024 release.

Federal Guidelines > Additional CDFI Fund Programs


Updated Data

The HMDA home mortgage dataset from FFIEC is now updated to 2023.

Lending > Mortgage Loans


Updated Data

Natality data from the CDC has been updated to 2023.

Health > Vital Statistics > Birth and Prenatal Care


Updated Data

The 119th Congressional Districts were added to the Boundaries menu.


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