Cite This Map

Updated by PolicyMap

Users who want to use the data on PolicyMap for publication or offer a reference to where the data comes from can use the Cite This Map feature. The Cite This Map tool will pull the metadata any data on the map including data layer, data points, and boundaries.

Select the icon at the bottom right of the map to open the modal.

Some benefits of citing data are;

  • Credibility: Citations lend credibility to the information presented. They show that the data is sourced from reputable sources or studies, which enhances trustworthiness.
  • Verification: Readers can verify the accuracy of the information by referring to the cited sources themselves.
  • Avoiding Plagiarism: Citations give credit to the original authors or sources of the data, preventing plagiarism and respecting intellectual property rights.
  • Contextual Background: Citations provide additional context and background information about the data, helping readers understand its origins and significance.

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