
Updated by PolicyMap

The Share feature allows users to quickly and easily share an interactive map with others. A shared map can be panned around, zoomed further into a neighborhood, and view data for surrounding geographies.

Link—Quickly generate a link to share an interactive map. The link will open the map centered on your current location, display any data currently loaded, and any filters placed.

Publicly available data can be shared with all users. Subscription-level or propriety datasets can also be shared, but the system will verify that the user has access to all of the data on the map before sending the email.

Email—The email feature sends a link to any recipient, even if they are not a PolicyMap subscriber. Users can include a message with the link. The recipient will receive an email with the same URL as the Link feature.

Embed—Add a fully interactive map onto your website with the Embed function of Share.

You can choose from three (3) sizes based on pixel dimensions for the interactive map: small (560W x 450H), medium (786W x 532H), and large (1280W x 720H).

Embedded maps are delivered as an "iframe code," so the HTML for an embedded map could look like this:

<iframe src="" named="embeddedmap" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" width="1024" height="500" >Click here to interact with map.</iframe>

And the interactive map would then appear like this on your website (click on an area on the map or pan around);

There are some limitations to the embed map feature:

Only publicly available data layers and data points can be embedded.
Custom regions can be shared but need to be marked as shareable.
Subscribers that use the Data Loader can embed a map with their data! When setting up the dataset, set access to Publicly Shareable.

 Social—Quickly publish a map you created in PolicyMap on various social media apps.

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