Data API Overview

Updated by PolicyMap


PolicyMap data services provides access to raw data. Sent and received data can be formatted as JSON or XML.

The services are meant to ultimately be consumed by web browsers or cached in a database. Some of our customers prefer to access our services directly from their servers, parse the data, then forward the data along to their client's browsers or database once they've styled the data to their liking. Others allow their clients to access the data directly and use javascript to place the data onto their client's browsers or database.

All data available via the PolicyMap data services are accessible via HTTP requests. Any client program, from a web browser to a client's server side scripting language, that can perform HTTP requests can access our data. The most commonly used method is to assemble the parameters of a request into a query string, append it to the URL of data services, and issue the HTTP GET request to obtain the data. Other methods include the composition of an XML or JSON document that conforms to a published XML schema specification and to use the HTTP POST method against the data services URL.

Data Elements

For "data elements," the data service provides data via standard HTTP GET requests. A query string is composed, and data is returned in either JSON or XML format. The service allows requests for any number of data elements to be chained together in a single string. All requests support standard HTTP authentication, or authentication that allows access by a 3rd party on the behalf of our users.

Examples of calls and data returns

For more information or questions regarding the REST API data services, please contact us at

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